* 7.0.6 "Antonio Cesarano " MINOR 892a9c3c: Merge pull request #56 from inveniosoftware-contrib/ammirate-patch-1 MINOR 502a459f: Remove POSTGRES suite * 7.0.5 "Antonio Cesarano " MINOR e320dd5e: Merge pull request #55 from pazembrz/fix_travis MINOR 49e7f1f9: travis: Update python in travis * 7.0.4 "Antonio Cesarano " MINOR dd5b13e0: Merge pull request #54 from pazembrz/fix_tasks MINOR bf7ce286: workflow_tasks: fix workflow without workflow_engine when operational error occurs during `start` task * 7.0.3 "Antonio Cesarano " MINOR 9c09fd29: Merge pull request #53 from david-caro/add_hostname MINOR ad1843ca: task_history: add hostname * 7.0.2 "Harris Tzovanakis " MINOR 2b81ede1: Merge pull request #52 from david-caro/fix_id_workflow MINOR 5996482e: docker: use same names as inspire MINOR 87aaa352: travis: use latest py3 and remove old ones MINOR b0c72c65: setup: pin dulwich for python3 compatibility MINOR 9405ce40: setup: pin sqlalchemy continuum MINOR 0773b8fa: WorkflowObject: populate the correct workflow property * 7.0.1 "David Caro " MINOR 617e7dba: Merge pull request #51 from david-caro/add_str_method MINOR 8b2bc4aa: Use correct class name on repr/str * 7.0.0 "Zacharias Zacharodimos " MAJOR e34fed58: alembic: Creation of alembic core revisions * 6.1.2 "David Caro " MINOR 34d7bd76: global: revert alembic recipes * 6.1.1 "David Caro " MINOR eac38af1: Merge pull request #50 from zzacharo/invenio-workflows-alembic MINOR 3b124b60: alembic: Creation of alembic core revisions * 6.1.0 "David Caro " FEATURE ab6d77c4: Merge pull request #41 from david-caro/add_time_to_task_history MINOR 283f4226: utils: add time to task history entries MINOR 0b6e3e5c: workoflow.__eq__: adapt to time value in task_history MINOR 4cf3c4dc: tests: add negative equality tests MINOR 4c08938b: docs: python3 compatibility MINOR c3dcd3a7: pep8: python3 compatible keys list from dict * 6.0.13 "Jacopo Notarstefano " MINOR 40844a2a: Merge pull request #49 from jacquerie/upstream-workflow MINOR 2707d011: setup: upstream workflow * 6.0.12 "Jacopo Notarstefano " MINOR 91abf112: Merge pull request #47 from jacquerie/update-badges MINOR 989b3625: docs: update badges in README * 6.0.11 "Jacopo Notarstefano " MINOR cee80199: Merge pull request #48 from jacquerie/fix-build MINOR 74174206: models: remove extra space for flake8 compliance * 6.0.10 "David Caro " MINOR 0c58aab8: Merge pull request #46 from ammirate/data_type_pr MINOR 1322e9a2: worker_engine: workflow_objects now use their own data_type, if any, instead of the default one. * 6.0.9 "David Caro " MINOR 60cc1867: Merge pull request #45 from david-caro/mandatory_uuid_to_delete MINOR d5308f20: models.workflow.delete: make uuid mandatory * 6.0.8 "David Caro " MINOR 2fee51e4: Merge pull request #44 from david-caro/allow_passing_engine_uuid_to_run_worker MINOR da214930: travis: use provided docker version and newer compose MINOR e09bc0ff: run_worker: allow using existing engine * 6.0.7 "Samuele Kaplun " MINOR 673adecc: Merge pull request #43 from kaplun/indexes MINOR be62c78b: models: add indexes to foreign keys * 6.0.6 "David Caro " MINOR dda9008f: Merge pull request #42 from david-caro/fix_tests MINOR 169e710a: tests: fix sphinx issues * 6.0.5 "Javier Martin Montull " MINOR 1b774eb6: Merge pull request #40 from jmartinm/model-avoid-shared-dict MINOR b255f0fb: global: pydocstyle D401 fixes MINOR a13dbfef: models: avoid shared dict in all instances of WorkflowObjectModel MINOR a92ce5a8: packaging: pin Celery<4.0 for test dependencies * 6.0.4 "David Caro " MINOR 8e6f28f6: Merge pull request #35 from david-caro/fix_autosemver_pin MINOR a7eeb169: packaging: fix the autosemver pin * 6.0.3 "David Caro " MINOR 943d08dc: Merge pull request #36 from david-caro/fix_travis MINOR 7b0691e1: Remove unneeded file MINOR b838e462: travis: update docker version used MINOR daf736ed: docs: pin to latest sphinx 1.5.1 * 6.0.2 "David Caro " MINOR 22041668: Merge pull request #34 from david-caro/fix_travis_deploy MINOR 16e7c769: packaging: fix travis deploy * 6.0.1 "David Caro " MINOR 19c30076: Merge pull request #33 from david-caro/use_autosemver MINOR e26a1b74: packaging: use autosemver * 6.0.0 "David Caro " MAJOR bce70000: Merge pull request #32 from david-caro/qa MAJOR b6cd2116: models: revert sqlalchemy utils EnumType hack MAJOR b1be9c1b: workflows: deletion constraints with InnoDB MAJOR b93b3cac: workflows: counters inferred from model MAJOR 3e5df59c: docs: add missing docs to api and engine MAJOR a7d1a72a: workflows: add logging to workflow methods MAJOR 758a75ea: workflows: WaitProcessing instead of HaltProcessing MAJOR c6366b5c: global: gitignore vim swapfile MAJOR d8b0bd80: workflows: generic tasks to external module MAJOR 47c2c582: workflows: more flexible worker import mechanism MAJOR b9b1901e: workflows: code duplication in `continue_object` MAJOR 12fb7154: engine: extra_data with db_obj extra_data merge MAJOR 02c0e218: workflows: obj.save() in start_async_workflow MAJOR 23232adb: docs: correct references to `workflow` module MAJOR e9bf4cef: ci: run tests with tox MAJOR 19671a82: workflows: logical exception fallacies in tests MAJOR cf916ab4: global: add missing import to workflow MAJOR acb66e6f: global: remove unneded imports MAJOR 81459444: global: removal extras workaround MAJOR debeaf57: workflows: __getattribute__ instead of __getattr__ MAJOR 934ed986: workflows: celery reraise with traceback MAJOR 75ba4ea5: tests: Update docker version MAJOR e07d40f4: workflows: statuses to enumerations MAJOR 197ef659: global: import fix and cleanup MAJOR 190bc22d: workflows: pylint corrections MAJOR a448addf: workflows: version to status and known_statuses MAJOR 8c37c25c: workflows: unused code MAJOR 32d7eaf3: global: add test database to gitignore MAJOR 5cc187b7: engine: mark wf a completed on StopProcessing MAJOR 8bf51010: engine: models update MAJOR 9a7cc99d: global: pep8 ignores to unused imports MAJOR 8436dacb: docstyle: small pydocstyle fix MAJOR 50421d38: workflows: database upgrade script MAJOR 5b6db2a6: workflows: PEP8 corrections MAJOR d30f1663: workflows: correct testing of stdout on Exception MAJOR 6b796dc7: packaging: include docker files MAJOR 34cd8c82: global: readded workflow_object_class import to init MAJOR 0da33e8e: workflows: unnecessary actions during save MAJOR 513250e6: workflows: compatible with new processing factory MAJOR c0826762: workflows: shorter object repr MAJOR f5aff3e8: global: major rewrite MAJOR 8bd6f3ea: api: new API class MAJOR 1b2c5a06: packaging: include txt files MAJOR 37286e6b: workflows: PEP8 corrections MAJOR fe12d434: workflows: `task_counter` to column * 1.0.12 "Tibor Simko " MINOR 7a5bece5: global: inveniosoftware.org * 1.0.11 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR f4baa8ee: installation: invenio_celery dev dependency fix * 1.0.10 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR 819d73fe: installation: post-release version bump * 1.0.9 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR 8967174f: Invenio-Workflows v0.1.2 * 1.0.8 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 5832c715: global: PEP8 update * 1.0.7 "Sami Hiltunen " MINOR e69c9f8b: installation: additions to MANIFEST.in * 1.0.6 "Sami Hiltunen " MINOR 37e6601c: installation: invenio-base>=0.3.0 * 1.0.5 "Sami Hiltunen " MINOR 54fe5e0e: installation: fix for invenio_testing dependency * 1.0.4 "Sami Hiltunen " MINOR 34677ebd: installation: fix for invenio_celery dependency * 1.0.3 "Sami Hiltunen " MINOR 4df1b3fe: installation: fix for invenio_utils dependency * 1.0.2 "Sami Hiltunen " MINOR f8500ea4: installation: fix for invenio_ext dependency * 1.0.1 "Sami Hiltunen " MINOR 83896f4a: tests: fix incompatibility with pytest>=2.8.0 * 1.0.0 "Jan Aage Lavik " MAJOR 895d30e9: global: legacy code removal FIXED ISSUES: https://github.com/inveniosoftware-contrib/inspire-workflows/issues/14 * 0.2.2 "Sami Hiltunen " MINOR f17906eb: installation: fix invenio_base imports * 0.2.1 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR c31bc40f: travis: addition of .travis.invenio.cfg * 0.2.0 "Jan Aage Lavik " FEATURE 537b7ccb: manage: initial manager * 0.1.7 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 8a04d48c: kwalitee: initial kwalitee config * 0.1.6 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 5aeb8fe3: utils: safe parameter addition in history * 0.1.5 "Jacopo Notarstefano " MINOR d4a5fb98: workflows: data and extra_data availability * 0.1.4 "Tibor Simko " MINOR 7c78e6c8: version: post-release version bump * 0.1.3 "Tibor Simko " MINOR c621578b: Invenio-Workflows v0.1.1 * 0.1.2 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR 6494def3: installation: fix invenio-upgrader dependecy * 0.1.1 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR e044307d: version: post-release version bump * 0.1.0 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR 28ce8027: Invenio-Workflows v0.1.0 * 4.2.3 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR 0d37f77d: installation: fix missing workflow package * 4.2.2 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR 321ee6ee: travis: fix environment creation * 4.2.1 "Ilias Koutsakis " MINOR 0193b8fc: workflows: task deprecation * 4.2.0 "Jan Aage Lavik " FEATURE fd0f0c2a: workflows: sorting improvement * 4.1.6 "Ilias Koutsakis " MINOR acd5e0ce: workflows: page change on user action * 4.1.5 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR f0fafdb7: workflows: new signals * 4.1.4 "Ilias Koutsakis " MINOR d23d0c5e: workflows: Holding Pen selection fix * 4.1.3 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR eae3e432: workflows: Holding Pen optimization * 4.1.2 "Ilias Koutsakis " MINOR ceb73578: workflows: hotkeys in Holding Pen * 4.1.1 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR a6f32bda: workflows: Holding Pen new list improvements * 4.1.0 "Ilias Koutsakis " FEATURE eebed077: workflows: Holding Pen hotkeys * 4.0.5 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 997c75c1: workflows: datatables dependency removal * 4.0.4 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR f6c41146: workflows: Holding Pen list renewal * 4.0.3 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR 1d87eba6: tests: renaming of workflows FIXED ISSUES: https://github.com/inveniosoftware-contrib/inspire-workflows/issues/1 * 4.0.2 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR cbb67690: tests: import fixes * 4.0.1 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR cde0afe9: global: initial package separation * 4.0.0 "Jiri Kuncar " MAJOR 5ac35c4e: formatter: module separation * 3.0.1 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR 4da5228c: search: initial Elastic Search support * 3.0.0 "Jan Aage Lavik " MAJOR 8c82a92b: legacy: OAIHarvest removal * 2.0.2 "Leonardo Rossi " MINOR 62014fd2: workflows: partial undo of e8f6551 FIXED ISSUES: https://github.com/inveniosoftware-contrib/inspire-workflows/issues/3288 * 2.0.1 "Leonardo Rossi " MINOR f7c3cf51: workflows: fix PostgreSQL model compatibility FIXED ISSUES: https://github.com/inveniosoftware-contrib/inspire-workflows/issues/3217, https://github.com/inveniosoftware-contrib/inspire-workflows/issues/3147 * 2.0.0 "Jiri Kuncar " MAJOR 858c9f2b: global: removal of deprecated features * 1.0.1 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR 32ce15d3: Merge branch 'maint-2.0' MINOR 5c28c282: global: fix CFG_TMPSHAREDDIR variable name FIXED ISSUES: https://github.com/inveniosoftware-contrib/inspire-workflows/issues/3221 * 1.0.0 "Dimitrios Semitsoglou-Tsiapos " MAJOR dc2b0348: global: deprecated `CFG` variables * 0.1.4 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR e7bfbf8b: workflows: task history fix * 0.1.3 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR ac669e90: workflows: current task in Holding Pen details * 0.1.2 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 997b08bc: workflows: Holding Pen alternate endpoint * 0.1.1 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR f1d8d5f0: workflows: task results improvement * 0.1.0 "Jan Aage Lavik " FEATURE 097ae3e6: workflows: Holding Pen JS update * 0.0.28 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 08e7d5cd: oaiharvester: Holding Pen formatting * 0.0.27 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 19d524e4: workflows: spawned record tracking * 0.0.26 "Leonardo Rossi " MINOR 09a66e2f: global: unicode literals for bundles * 0.0.25 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR f8dcf60c: global: HTML escaping of unicode characters * 0.0.24 "Jiri Kuncar " MINOR b0311383: global: import change of Flask extensions FIXED ISSUES: https://github.com/inveniosoftware-contrib/inspire-workflows/issues/2776 * 0.0.23 "Tibor Simko " MINOR 4908ebc7: Merge branch 'master' into next FIXED ISSUES: https://github.com/inveniosoftware-contrib/inspire-workflows/issues/1904 * 0.0.22 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 84c5788c: workflows: import order fix * 0.0.21 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR f8b5b7f2: workflows: harvesting description fix * 0.0.20 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR e2497786: workflows: no error if nothing harvested * 0.0.19 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 96de3845: workflows: Holding Pen sorting fix * 0.0.18 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 116b950b: workflows: exception handling improvement * 0.0.17 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 341b494f: workflows: conversion to SmartJSON using models * 0.0.16 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR fa507bd0: workflows: Holding Pen improvement * 0.0.15 "Dimitrios Semitsoglou-Tsiapos " MINOR a9d93f73: workflows: new name for ObjectVersion * 0.0.14 "Dimitrios Semitsoglou-Tsiapos " MINOR 5971d6e5: workflows: object state names match docs * 0.0.13 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR e0a08ccb: workflows: aborting and skipping * 0.0.12 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 9324c1bc: workflows: Holding Pen previous/next robustness * 0.0.11 "Adrian Pawel Baran " MINOR b3fe2266: deposit: js uploader component * 0.0.10 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR c0f28fb7: workflows: always save current object * 0.0.9 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 379438f1: workflows: Holding Pen details fix * 0.0.8 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR b687a76c: workflows: task_counter value check * 0.0.7 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 90257d0b: workflows: documentation enrichment * 0.0.6 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 281dbbb8: workflows: actions JS loading * 0.0.5 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 1a407e1e: workflows: Holding Pen file serving fix * 0.0.4 "Jan Aage Lavik " MINOR 41b447de: workflows: snapshot generation fix * 0.0.3 "Georgios Papoutsakis " MINOR 6d4d29db: workflows: template naming fix * 0.0.2 "Georgios Papoutsakis " MINOR d3382dc5: workflows: template fixes * 0.0.1 "Georgios Papoutsakis " MINOR 836fbd6f: workflows: template renaming